Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Future Is Here and Now!!

An average school day thirty years from now would begin with my pillow alarm awaking me. The alarm would be built into the pillow while still keeping it soft and comfy. Instead of a bed like the one I use today, my bed of the future would be like a chamber that would move me into the standing position. It would give me a little push out. I would go to the shower and the shower would be body censored so you just have to step in and the water would start all by itself. It would dispense the soap, shampoo, rinse and body lotion. Brushes would move around to wash you while you just stand there and slowly wake up. I would have to brush my hair into the style I still had to choose. And there still hasn't been an invention that will floss everyone's teeth the same so that still has to be done the old way. I then would dry myself off, but no towel, instead I walked through tube that would air dry you. I would go back to my bed room where I would pick out my clothes from a digital tablet that has every piece of clothing I own recorded on it. I would pick out which shirt and pants and shoes I would want to wear. Once I pressed enter the revolving closet would automatically move out the outfit I had chosen. I then had to leave my dorm room which is about triple the size of the room I have now. Then I would take a moving stair case down stairs to the kitchen. Each student was given a package breakfast like astronaut food by a cook/ robot that measured all your body statistics to make sure you are healthy. I pass the physical and I'm great, so I go to my car to get to my class. The car floats in the air and has tinted windows, blue tooth. There is no steering wheel only buttons and dials. The car drives and parks itself. I only have to choose the music I want to listen to. It is equipped with a song finder to get a song you like but don’t know the name of it and many more. I get out of my car and take the escalating sidewalk to my class. There are so many more people; we sit close together on large bleachers. The teacher is a hologram, we use pointers to answer questions and after we answer it is graded; there are no second chances and are parents get notified of our grades. We learn the lesson that the teacher has planned and then we take a test it goes either pass or fail; you must be ready or do the whole lesson over. We only have four classes and they all are the same. Teachers and students communicate over the social network; they only meet in person by appointment. I go back to the car and it drives me to the shopping center. It’s not as much fun as it used to be thirty years ago. Before you could spend time just walking around looking at all the merchandise, now most people are just there to pick up what they have ordered on the Internet. I pick up my order and have my car drive me back to my dorm. I grab a quick lunch and the robotic lunch/cook tells me I'm showing a little stress. .My car drives me home. Once I get home I do the homework on the tablet, eat dinner that is already on the table. I run into a few of my roommates; we watch some television in the media room. It is a room where everything is in 5d. You not only see the show but you can smell and taste objects. Then I step in the shower as it does its job I floss my teeth put on my pajamas and lay down in my bed capsule. Lights are out and so am I.
The technology that we will be using is the technology we use now with a few major new additions such as flying cars that drive and park themselves and has other features, hologram teachers, a tablet that pick out our clothes and gets our homework and notes and other assignments sent to, our clothes will come to us after we pick it, we have a cook/ robot that makes our food when it is time.  I would say that no technology is missing; they just get updated to a better working item.        
The transportation would be cars that fly and drive and park themselves, you can find songs and have any color you want and customize anything you want. The car has Bluetooth and other technology that is out today like USB cords and GPS and more. The communication that we have is the I phone with newer details it will be glass and see through it all touch screen and voice controlled.
The fashion would be the same as the clothes that we have now and a few new additions that come out and new color, we have to shop on line and then pick it up instead of looking through the stores.
The food is smaller, quicker to prepare and healthier. A robot will be able to prepare it for you.
The class room would be the same size it is now, with the same technology we have now the chairs would be benches, and we can take any class that we wish to take. We would have tablets that all the assignments and grades and other material that the teacher uses in the lesson gets sent to. The tablet is owned by the student and everyone must have one.