Saturday, June 25, 2011

Description of a place, Comp 1 Assignment 2

The place I went to was like a scene taken from a movie. When the main guy realizes that he is in love with the girl. It a calming place where you can sit out watch the sun set, read a book, go on a date or many other activates. The calming water leads your eyes to the houses across that are as big a mountain. You feel the hot sun beaming down on you cool body, with a little cooling from the quickly passing wind. You can hear noises from the people talking or playing football in the road right by the dorms or volley ball in the courts right by you. You have a place to sit and kick up your feet to relax. A place to have a picnic with all your friends. It has a covering to keep you dry from the pouring rain.  You can smell the salty mixture in the air from the lake floating up in to the area. You can hear the rustling of the trees from the wind hitting the leaves. You’re surrounded by nature and most of the elements. As you slowly move closer to the ledge of the old wood that creates a border you can see tall grass. It make you wounded what creatures may live around. If you closely listen you can hear the buzzing of tiny little bugs flying by. The part that I closely viewed would have to be the than house that look as though multiple of people live in it. It looks like multiple town houses. It a place where a family has a luxury living, that has everything you could ever imagine. A place where the can give their kids anything. A place where you can explore many things. Where you can go in to the lake and find many things like wild life such as frogs and snakes and more. Where the kids can jump in to the lake and enjoy the cold calm swaying waves created from the blowing wind. Where you can have family gatherings and can have an enjoyable time. You can hear the joyful laughter of children. The chattering of grown-ups talking to one another. The smell of the salty lake and of food being cooked. This place is also surrounded by nature tall waving palm trees on each side of the outside wall corners of the house. The house looks as if it is in a forest isolated in collection of trees. This house is a magical place that is in everyone dreams. To have the luxury, and to have a house as big as a mountain where you can live out your fantasy.     


  1. I love this because I went out there too, and all I could think about is who lives in those huge houses overlooking such an amazing scene of the lake. It just makes you want to make your dream a reality to live the way you want to live.

  2. I also love this spot! I'm sure everyone thinks about what it would be like to live in an immaculate house like those we see on a daily basis. You're post made me think about my family a lot. So many families don't have homes and I just hope that when I have a family, i'll be able to provide some sort of home for them. I agree with Gigi. It makes you want to make all of your dreams come true.
