Wednesday, July 6, 2011

“It's the Circle of Life”- the Lion King / Blog 3 Comp 1

The number of earths it would take to provide resources to support my lifestyle is 4.8. The number it would take to provide global acres to support my lifestyle are 21.6. My footprint break down is that services are 41%, food 23%, shelter 13%, goods 13%, mobility 11%. The definition of a footprint to me is the resources, services, personal goods and other items we need to survive in a location that has been taken advantage of or destroyed. The deeper/ bigger the worse you have done to our planet. It relates to the broader concept of sustainability because of all the materials we need to survive as humans, to sustain ourselves. Thousands of years ago we humans started out taking from the land and as any evolutionary psychologist would say we have to do that to survive even in newer worlds to come. We use this measure to interpret our life choices because the resources and goods and services we use are what we think we need to survive .We actually waste more than what we have to live. We don’t think about what we need to give back to equal out the balance. We just take and take and eventually we won’t have any more. This has made me see that all those times of going to Disney’s Epcot in the Land area and watching the short little film “The Circle of Life” was important. The Disney website even states “Kids and adults alike can learn about the importance of protecting our planet in this animated and live-action 20-minute film featuring the rambunctious Simba, Pumbaa and Timon from Disney's The Lion King.”  ( (attractions )I guess you can learn on vacation. :) One area where I can reduce my own footprint would be the services. I could cut back on using so much electricity. I constantly leave lights on. I have my lap top on plug in charging every night and day even when I’m not using it. I have a game system plug in all the time even when it not in use along with my T.V., lamp, cellphone charger, alarm clock and computer printer and other house hold items. There’s not one electrical plug that’s not in use in my house. We even have extension cords. I forget to turn things off when I’m done using them or unplug them. One way to cut back would be to make sure I do turn them off and unplug the items. I choose this because this is the most service that I use and take for granted. I know that what I do is wrong but it’s just something that I don’t think about all the time or take care to remember. I want to change that because I know that our planet is in danger and needs help. So I’m attacking the biggest issue I have that is harming my environment. Hopefully after a week I will remember to continue the good habits and help out the planet and save my parents money.  J


  1. I'ts funny how we chose to improve the same things. Sad to say that I am a meat eater so I can't give up that, and I never saw packaged meat that is recycled. So that will not work. I have my share of using up a lot of electricty without really thinking about it. I love your title! It's very Catchy and your explaination flows nicely. :)

  2. I also chose services. I think that a lot of people in our generation take the use of electricity for granted because we have been surrounded by it since we were born, and because it is electronic we never directly connected it with the earth.
