Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Future Is Here and Now!!

An average school day thirty years from now would begin with my pillow alarm awaking me. The alarm would be built into the pillow while still keeping it soft and comfy. Instead of a bed like the one I use today, my bed of the future would be like a chamber that would move me into the standing position. It would give me a little push out. I would go to the shower and the shower would be body censored so you just have to step in and the water would start all by itself. It would dispense the soap, shampoo, rinse and body lotion. Brushes would move around to wash you while you just stand there and slowly wake up. I would have to brush my hair into the style I still had to choose. And there still hasn't been an invention that will floss everyone's teeth the same so that still has to be done the old way. I then would dry myself off, but no towel, instead I walked through tube that would air dry you. I would go back to my bed room where I would pick out my clothes from a digital tablet that has every piece of clothing I own recorded on it. I would pick out which shirt and pants and shoes I would want to wear. Once I pressed enter the revolving closet would automatically move out the outfit I had chosen. I then had to leave my dorm room which is about triple the size of the room I have now. Then I would take a moving stair case down stairs to the kitchen. Each student was given a package breakfast like astronaut food by a cook/ robot that measured all your body statistics to make sure you are healthy. I pass the physical and I'm great, so I go to my car to get to my class. The car floats in the air and has tinted windows, blue tooth. There is no steering wheel only buttons and dials. The car drives and parks itself. I only have to choose the music I want to listen to. It is equipped with a song finder to get a song you like but don’t know the name of it and many more. I get out of my car and take the escalating sidewalk to my class. There are so many more people; we sit close together on large bleachers. The teacher is a hologram, we use pointers to answer questions and after we answer it is graded; there are no second chances and are parents get notified of our grades. We learn the lesson that the teacher has planned and then we take a test it goes either pass or fail; you must be ready or do the whole lesson over. We only have four classes and they all are the same. Teachers and students communicate over the social network; they only meet in person by appointment. I go back to the car and it drives me to the shopping center. It’s not as much fun as it used to be thirty years ago. Before you could spend time just walking around looking at all the merchandise, now most people are just there to pick up what they have ordered on the Internet. I pick up my order and have my car drive me back to my dorm. I grab a quick lunch and the robotic lunch/cook tells me I'm showing a little stress. .My car drives me home. Once I get home I do the homework on the tablet, eat dinner that is already on the table. I run into a few of my roommates; we watch some television in the media room. It is a room where everything is in 5d. You not only see the show but you can smell and taste objects. Then I step in the shower as it does its job I floss my teeth put on my pajamas and lay down in my bed capsule. Lights are out and so am I.
The technology that we will be using is the technology we use now with a few major new additions such as flying cars that drive and park themselves and has other features, hologram teachers, a tablet that pick out our clothes and gets our homework and notes and other assignments sent to, our clothes will come to us after we pick it, we have a cook/ robot that makes our food when it is time.  I would say that no technology is missing; they just get updated to a better working item.        
The transportation would be cars that fly and drive and park themselves, you can find songs and have any color you want and customize anything you want. The car has Bluetooth and other technology that is out today like USB cords and GPS and more. The communication that we have is the I phone with newer details it will be glass and see through it all touch screen and voice controlled.
The fashion would be the same as the clothes that we have now and a few new additions that come out and new color, we have to shop on line and then pick it up instead of looking through the stores.
The food is smaller, quicker to prepare and healthier. A robot will be able to prepare it for you.
The class room would be the same size it is now, with the same technology we have now the chairs would be benches, and we can take any class that we wish to take. We would have tablets that all the assignments and grades and other material that the teacher uses in the lesson gets sent to. The tablet is owned by the student and everyone must have one.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

EWW! It The Skunk Ape

The value of the tutorials I felt were important and there were some that were not as important or repeated and already were in our general knowledge,
I feel that the tutorial help you find a balance in choosing you topic and letting you know what to wide or narrow of a topic which is a good skill to have. It also helps you to find background information to get the paper started and lead you in to more information, it shows what are good sources and what are not like vogue magazine is not where as journals maybe, the tutorials help you throughout you prepare and how to do it like what to use and how to get information to help you get a good grade on that paper, it also help you by telling you to ask the library desk help because they will most like are useful and the writing center.
After doing the entire tutorial I see that there were some thing I did not know about researching so I would say I knew fifty percent maybe a little more of what the tutorial was talking about. For example in the first one model it talk about the audience and I felt that was repeated from our general knowledge because in the summer we went over the tap document and how to write who the audience our paper is targeting. How to get our sources and what we are looking for.
What else I feel I need to know about performing basic research is basically what the tutorial has given it covers all the basics in my opinion and it showed us how and where we can get help and our information that we need to complete the paper.
The three things in the tutorial I did not know would be some good places to look up research, I knew some but not all that they had listed, when you search a book in the data base or word what will happen because I have not done that to get a book out of the library.
The three things I already knew is the information gap, what in between what we know and what we need to know, that vogue is not a good source of a magazine to do a paper, what information a source will give me like a newspaper articles, how to find a book in the library. I also knew how to plan out what parts need to be done for the paper, I felt like them telling us that we need to do something on a certain day was not useful or need because everyone has a different way of doing a paper.

Friday, September 23, 2011

To Goal or not to Goal ?

My big five for life is to become a teacher, travel the world, have the American dream (a nice house, husband, kids, a car), to be happy, to have a fun life with no regrets. I would consider my life a success if I had all of these accomplished. There my dreams and what I wished for my entire life, if I do not complete these I would feel like my life is incomplete. These are big goals in my life and the basic goals but I want to be able to say “I had a wonderful life and completed every wish and dreams I had. I do not see them changing any time soon I feel like this are easy goals to complete and I hope that once they are accomplished then I can re-create my list again, the only one I may see changing is the travel because it would have to depend on my income and when I’m married both of our income and who is going with us will be a factor as to whether or not it gets accomplished .As stated above the income would be a factor that would change the traveling but everything else I see happening.  I plan to make my goals happen no matter how hard they are to accomplish.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Is There Really Beauty In A Beast ?

This topic hit me in two ways because I was that girl who always dreamed of a prince but I learned it in my mind. In my school you could be with the hot!!!!!!!!!!! “Prince” looking guy who treats you badly or the not so hot but still good looking guy who actually make you feel like you are a princess. I chose the second one after many try’s with the first; and I’m very happy, hopefully forever after. But the second reason it hit me is because it my all-time favorite Disney princess movie. The reason I chose this movie is because it shows that we judge people and have to learn to like the ugly parts too not just the looks. We all look for the “prince” and ignore all the other guys. This shows that in today society and back then we are judge on everything we do. Throughout this movie you see all types of judgments of people like Bell and Gaston. He tries to get Bell because she is different but he doesn’t treat her right. The song “Beauty and the Beast” also show that one change in some one view can make a difference. Bell open up here mind and now her and the beast are together. I chose this as my argument because it shows that we are all judgmental. I believe that my argument is not ethical, because we shouldn’t judge others .We are the same in some ways and different. We should accept others no matter what.  
(Beast w/ Bell image)

(Prince w/Bell image)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Face It

Have you ever really found a product that clears acne? Well the product I chose for this blog would be Proactive. I personally dislike this product because I fell for their propaganda, bought all the different solutions and the product did not work for me.
The thesis of this product is if people use the four different bottle treatments their acne will disappear and their face will look like Cinderella’s. The product is supposed to get rid or bad acne and to help stop breakouts and keep them from coming back, while it heals the skin.
The purpose is that this product will help people look better, be more confident. Make your face shine and clear up acne and other skin issues.
The audience is would be anyone who has skin issue and wants to get rid of it. This product is mostly to teens with acne problems. People who have insecure about their looks. This product could also be sold to adults because these products are not just for acne, they promise to help the skin.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

“It's the Circle of Life”- the Lion King / Blog 3 Comp 1

The number of earths it would take to provide resources to support my lifestyle is 4.8. The number it would take to provide global acres to support my lifestyle are 21.6. My footprint break down is that services are 41%, food 23%, shelter 13%, goods 13%, mobility 11%. The definition of a footprint to me is the resources, services, personal goods and other items we need to survive in a location that has been taken advantage of or destroyed. The deeper/ bigger the worse you have done to our planet. It relates to the broader concept of sustainability because of all the materials we need to survive as humans, to sustain ourselves. Thousands of years ago we humans started out taking from the land and as any evolutionary psychologist would say we have to do that to survive even in newer worlds to come. We use this measure to interpret our life choices because the resources and goods and services we use are what we think we need to survive .We actually waste more than what we have to live. We don’t think about what we need to give back to equal out the balance. We just take and take and eventually we won’t have any more. This has made me see that all those times of going to Disney’s Epcot in the Land area and watching the short little film “The Circle of Life” was important. The Disney website even states “Kids and adults alike can learn about the importance of protecting our planet in this animated and live-action 20-minute film featuring the rambunctious Simba, Pumbaa and Timon from Disney's The Lion King.”  ( (attractions )I guess you can learn on vacation. :) One area where I can reduce my own footprint would be the services. I could cut back on using so much electricity. I constantly leave lights on. I have my lap top on plug in charging every night and day even when I’m not using it. I have a game system plug in all the time even when it not in use along with my T.V., lamp, cellphone charger, alarm clock and computer printer and other house hold items. There’s not one electrical plug that’s not in use in my house. We even have extension cords. I forget to turn things off when I’m done using them or unplug them. One way to cut back would be to make sure I do turn them off and unplug the items. I choose this because this is the most service that I use and take for granted. I know that what I do is wrong but it’s just something that I don’t think about all the time or take care to remember. I want to change that because I know that our planet is in danger and needs help. So I’m attacking the biggest issue I have that is harming my environment. Hopefully after a week I will remember to continue the good habits and help out the planet and save my parents money.  J

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Description of a place, Comp 1 Assignment 2

The place I went to was like a scene taken from a movie. When the main guy realizes that he is in love with the girl. It a calming place where you can sit out watch the sun set, read a book, go on a date or many other activates. The calming water leads your eyes to the houses across that are as big a mountain. You feel the hot sun beaming down on you cool body, with a little cooling from the quickly passing wind. You can hear noises from the people talking or playing football in the road right by the dorms or volley ball in the courts right by you. You have a place to sit and kick up your feet to relax. A place to have a picnic with all your friends. It has a covering to keep you dry from the pouring rain.  You can smell the salty mixture in the air from the lake floating up in to the area. You can hear the rustling of the trees from the wind hitting the leaves. You’re surrounded by nature and most of the elements. As you slowly move closer to the ledge of the old wood that creates a border you can see tall grass. It make you wounded what creatures may live around. If you closely listen you can hear the buzzing of tiny little bugs flying by. The part that I closely viewed would have to be the than house that look as though multiple of people live in it. It looks like multiple town houses. It a place where a family has a luxury living, that has everything you could ever imagine. A place where the can give their kids anything. A place where you can explore many things. Where you can go in to the lake and find many things like wild life such as frogs and snakes and more. Where the kids can jump in to the lake and enjoy the cold calm swaying waves created from the blowing wind. Where you can have family gatherings and can have an enjoyable time. You can hear the joyful laughter of children. The chattering of grown-ups talking to one another. The smell of the salty lake and of food being cooked. This place is also surrounded by nature tall waving palm trees on each side of the outside wall corners of the house. The house looks as if it is in a forest isolated in collection of trees. This house is a magical place that is in everyone dreams. To have the luxury, and to have a house as big as a mountain where you can live out your fantasy.     

Monday, June 20, 2011

Comp 1 , Assignment 1 due Wed 22

Hi my name is Emily Bright. I was born in FL. I’m 18 years old and was born on May 22. My high school is Nova High School. I have a sister who is in Gainesville. She graduated from UF. I love animals and kids that is why I want to be a teacher. I have experience with teaching kids and tutoring them. After the first time I did it I realized this is why I want to be a teacher. I will be the one making the most difference in their lives because I will be teaching them everything first along with their parents.  My goals are to major in elementary education and a B.A in special education and possibly more. I love the color green it my favorite. I listen to all type of music. I’m really shy and will be the quietest person. Everyone thinks I have Spanish but I’m not. I do have a little but not much and I have a mixture of German, Jew, French, Norwegian/Swedish, three types of Indian and English. The only language I can speak is English. I hate spiders and snakes and there a few other creatures that creep me out. I love animals, especially dogs. I have one dog. His name is brownie and I had two hamsters, a Guinea pig and lots of fish. I want to get a tattoo of the Gemini sign the one that looks like the Roman numeral two.  The reason why is because I am a Gemini. I don’t have a twin but there was a girl in my high school that looks just like me and people thought I was a twin. I like all types of music. My favorite band is Thriving Ivory. Everyone says I have cat eyes because of the color. I’m thankful for my eyes because they are unique and I got them from my mom. I’m a swimmer and like to do a lot of outdoor thing. I played water polo and swimming on clubs and a school team. I tried out to be on the soccer team and cheerleading team. I was on the national honor society, exchangetts, and utap club at my high school.  Well this is me Emily I'm nice and easy to get to know.